How much childcare costs depends on your personal situation. Our calculation tool gives you direct insight into your costs.
Including the Up Actief activity program, (bottle) food and diapers
Maximum hourly amount of childcare allowance day care in 2025: € 10.71
Including the Up Active activity program and excursions
The hourly rate for pre-school care is equal to the hourly rate of your BSO package.
Hourly rate for pre-school care without BSO contract: € 12.77. Hourly rate for separate holiday care: € 12.77.
Maximum hourly amount of childcare allowance BSO in 2025 € 9.52
Our general and additional terms and conditions apply.
How much toddler care costs depends on your personal situation and the municipality in which you live. You pay part of the costs yourself and the Tax and Customs Administration or the municipality pays the other part.
How much you pay yourself depends on your income, whether you have a referral from the Center for Youth and Family (CJG) and whether you have an Ooievaarspas (The Hague).
Our calculation tool gives you direct insight into the costs. Click here for the calculator.
Can’t figure it out and need help? Feel free to call us: 070-7920101.