
We are proud of the quality of our childcare. Our inspired, professional staff, modern rooms and our quality policy all contribute to safe, healthy and good childcare. Not only do the children have a good time at Up, their parents can also trust Up completely.

Legal requirements and quality

We naturally work according to the Childcare Act (Wet Kinderopvang), which stipulates the legal requirements for pedagogy, safety and health in childcare. Annually, and occasionally unannounced, the GGD (the Public Health Service) checks our locations. During their visit they look at our pedagogical methods and inspect the levels of health and safety. Most of the time everything is in perfect order. If something is not as it should be, we do our very best to improve it as soon as possible. Following the inspection, the GGD writes a report which we publish on the webpage of your Up location so that parents can always see how we are doing at Up.

Quality in childcare

The quality of care at Up is not only defined by legislation. The well-being of our staff, the pleasure and development of the children and parent satisfaction are what Up really strives for. It is important to us to discuss pedagogical choices with you during the registration process, we take any complaints seriously and work closely together to solve any problems. Together we ensure that your child can grow up playfully in safe and familiar surroundings.

Do you think we can improve something? Or do you have a complaint? Please contact one of our staff members at your childcare centre. Do you want to offer some tips or do you need extra assistance with your complaint? Contact our Quality department.

This is why Up is affiliated with the Childcare Disputes Commission (Geschillencommissie Kinderopvang) and why we conform to the Childcare Governance Code, the guideline for principled administration and monitoring.

Oudercommissie and Ouderraad

Each location has its own Parent Committee (Oudercommissie). Together with these parents we improve the quality of care and discuss the pedagogical action plan and health and safety issues.

Each Parent Committee sends a representative to the Parent Board (Ouderraad). The Parent Board gives advice to the management board on policy, Up’s approach and all our locations

The Improvement Meter

We are affiliated with the Improvement Meter (VerbeterMeter). With the Improvement Meter we can see what parents think of Up. For this, parents will occasionally receive a questionnaire. Using these anonymous answers, we can keep improving Up.

Suggestions or complaints

We are very happy to discuss any suggestions or complaints you may have about our care or approach. If you want to know more about our complaints procedure, please click here.

Questions? Call 070 - 7920101